Nineveh political dispute shows signs of resolution with key meeting expected: lawmaker 2024-08-30T16:03:44.000000Z
Six Sunni blocs agree on a single candidate for parliament speaker: official 2024-08-13T16:58:16.000000Z
Kirkuk Council remains deadlocked over the Governor post, six months after the election 2024-07-22T14:49:24.000000Z
Kirkuk Council convenes for the first time with optimism.. and an ultimatum 2024-07-11T18:34:26.000000Z
Masoud Barzani asserts unyielding stance on Kirkuk's identity amid unrest 2023-09-18T14:49:00.000000Z
For the sixth time in a row, a Kurd wins parliamentary elections in Russia 2021-09-20T18:23:35.000000Z