Accepting the challenge by the Federal Supreme Court will affect the early elections, Al-Fatah Alliance says 2021-04-20T14:59:03.000000Z
Al-Fatah on assigning Al-Falahi to Nineveh Operations Command: a dangerous mistake 2021-03-31T11:49:14.000000Z
Al-Fatah coalition sets conditions for agreeing to resume the Washington-Baghdad dialogue 2021-03-24T13:57:43.000000Z
Al-Fatah collects MPs signatures to "oblige" the government to reduce the Dollar's price 2021-03-22T13:22:58.000000Z
Al-Fatah reserves and al-Hikma welcomes al-Kadhimi's initiative for national dialogue 2021-03-09T10:24:50.000000Z