US imposes sanctions on four linked to ISIS human smuggling network

Shafaq News/ On Friday, the United States imposed sanctions on four individuals linked ISIS, including members of an ISIS-linked human smuggling network.
“The investigations into these targets, as well as their subsequent designations, were taken in close coordination with the Government of Turkiye. As a result of this close cooperation, the Government of Turkiye is concurrently taking its own domestic action against this network.” The US Treasury said in a statement.
Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson expressed the US “continued commitment to the defense of the homeland against all terrorist threats, including the so-called Islamic State or ISIS.”
“Uzbekistan-based Olimkhon Makhmudjon Ugli Ismailov (Ismailov) is involved in the ISIS-linked human smuggling network. Muhammad Ibrohimjon Niyazov (Niyazov)is a supporter of this network, who separately provided administrative and logistics support for ISIS members in Turkiye. Also designated today is Muhammadyusuf Alisher Ogli Mirzoev (Mirzoev), who in mid-2023 was involved in work to establish an ISIS militant training camp.”
According to the US Treasury, Ismailov, Niyazov, and Mirzoev are being designated “pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, ISIS, a person whose property and interest in property are blocked pursuant to E.O. 13224.”
Additionally, today, the Department of State designated Adam Khamirzaev (Khamirzaev), the ISIS Georgia Province emir. “Khamirzaev provided guidance to this smuggling network on activities in support of ISIS. Khamirzaev is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for being a leader of ISIS, a person whose property and interest in property are blocked pursuant to E.O. 13224.”