Kim Jong-un executes five Economic Ministry workers

Shafaq news/ North Korea has executed five officials after they criticized Kim Jong-un's handling of his nation's failing economy at a dinner party, according to reports.
Sources said that the officials have been executed by firing squad after openly slating the regime for leaving the country's finances in tatters and failing on trade.
North Korean secret police reportedly got wind of the five men's conversation after one of their younger colleagues gave them up, reports Daily NK.
The Daily NK said that “Kim's regime is known for its brutal crushing of dissent and never hesitates to take action against critics who may undermine the dictator.”
It is reported the five economic ministry workers were executed on July 30.
The men were reportedly arrested and taken away by plain clothes officers after they had arrived for work.
Prisoners deemed enemies to the state are detained at the camp which is around 70 miles northeast of Pyongyang.
Kim considered the men a threat to the regime.
The communist state imposes a cover on the information and the media, which makes it difficult to verify the reports that appear in watching what, is being leaked through South Korea.