Whole district placed under quarantine in Erbil

Shafaq News / The Governor of Erbil, Firsat Sofi declared on Tuesday imposing quarantine on "Choman district” north of the province, after it has registered many active Covid-19 cases.
"If we do not take swift and urgent measures, we will go through a dangerous and critical stage," Sofi said in a press conference held today, attended by Shafaq News Agency’s reporter, adding that "we imposed a quarantine on Choman district after 20 Covid-19 cases appeared."
"Some people used to say that political goals or prevention of demonstrations are behind the curfew," adding that "what we have reached of current conditions are the result of the lack of responsibility of some people and parties."
"Currently we will try to control the situation again, but according to new measures as will protect the rights of citizens and daily workers."
The governor pointed out that "about 700 shops have been closed because of not committing to preventive measures;" stressing that” legal measures will be taken against any place that does not adhere to preventive measures."
Sofi talked about some of Corona's statistics, saying that "more than 43,000 tests were carried out in Erbil, of which about 13,000 were conducted at checkpoints."
"We have allocated 27 hotels and hotel apartments for quarantine, and more than 5000 people have been quarantined during previous periods in Erbil."
"The situation is still under control, but we must adhere to precautionary measures, otherwise things will get out of control,” The governor added.