President Barzani leads a high-level delegation to Iran for Raisi's funeral

President Barzani leads a high-level delegation to Iran for Raisi's funeral

Shafaq News/ On Wednesday, a high-level delegation from the Kurdistan Region attended the funeral of the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions.

The Kurdish Presidency stated that the delegation included President Nechirvan Barzani, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, Vice President Mustafa Sayed Qadir, Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, and Interior Minister Rebar Ahmad.

Earlier, President Barzani extended condolences to the Islamic Republic over Raisi's death.

"During this challenging period, we offer our heartfelt condolences to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, His Excellency Sayyed Ali Khamenei, as well as to the leadership, government, and people of Iran and the families affected by this tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with them all. May God grant solace and peace to everyone affected, and may He bless the departed souls with His mercy." He said.

"The passing of President Raisi is an immense tragedy and a profound loss for the Islamic Republic of Iran, its people, and its friends. Nevertheless, we have faith that the noble people of Iran and the Islamic Republic will overcome this immense loss. May God Almighty provide assistance and protection to all, and may the memory of the departed be blessed."

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