PKK is digging tunnels in mount Sinjar, Peshmerga commander reveals

PKK is digging tunnels in mount Sinjar, Peshmerga commander reveals

Shafaq News / A commander in the Peshmerga forces in Sinjar revealed that the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) had established tunnels in Mount Sinjar.

Commander Qasim Darbu told Shafaq News agency that workers from the Kurdistan region and smuggled Syrian workers are digging tunnels in Sinjar Mountain, indicating that the party is paying one thousand dollars for every worker for three months of work.

Darbu added that the illegal forces are present in the centers of all towns of Sinjar, pointing out that they evacuated the headquarters from inside the district of Sinjar only.

Sinjar was frequently subjected to Turkish airstrikes targeting the PKK headquarters, especially in the mountainous areas north of the district.

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