Kurdistan calls the federal government and UN to implement Sinjar Agreement

Kurdistan calls the federal government and UN to implement Sinjar Agreement
2021-10-06 20:52

Shafaq News/ Kurdistan’s Ministry of Interior called the federal government and the international community “to do their duties” to follow up the implementation of the Sinjar Agreement signed between Erbil and Baghdad.

 A ministerial statement said, “a year has passed since the signing and announcement of the agreement to normalize the situation in Sinjar, which came after many meetings, consensus and shared understanding between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Federal Government, under the supervision of the United Nations envoy in Iraq.”

 The statement added that the Kurdistan Regional Government showed “flexibility to reach that agreement to provide appropriate conditions to returning the Yazidi brothers and sisters to their areas.”

 “We confirmed that after October’s events, Sinjar was under the control of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and several armed groups affiliated with Badr, that were impeding the law for the return of the displaced, but a year after the signing of the agreement, we see that the region has been subjected more to these armed groups and that the Iraqi federal security forces appeared helpless in front of them."

 It pointed out that in the past days, the groups affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers Party prevented the Iraqi parliament's candidates for the elections from going to the region to practice the right of the electoral campaign while the Iraqi forces were watching the incident and “which is against all local and international laws and political freedom and the rule of law.”

The Ministry called on the federal government to “carry out its duties and implement the Sinjar Agreement.” it also called on the United Nations and the international community to continue to follow up on the implementation of the agreement.

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