Kurdistan President congratulates Islamic Scholars Union on 54th Anniversary

Kurdistan President congratulates Islamic Scholars Union on 54th Anniversary

Shafaq News/ On Saturday, Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani extended his congratulations to the Union of Islamic Religious Scholars in Kurdistan, marking the 54th anniversary of its establishment.

In a statement, Barzani conveyed his "warmest congratulations to the president and members of the executive office of the Union of Islamic Religious Scholars, as well as to all esteemed religious leaders and scholars, wishing them continued success and prosperity."

He acknowledged the pivotal role played by the union and religious scholars throughout both the revolutionary period and the era of freedom, paying tribute to the "martyrs among Kurdistan’s Islamic scholars" and honoring their "sacred memory."

Barzani also stressed the scholars' remarkable contribution to “promoting coexistence, tolerance, and acceptance of others, as well as their efforts in combating extremism and fostering patriotism and social peace.” reiterating his full support for the union's efforts to secure the rights of religious leaders in the region.

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