KRG starts an investigation into the killing of an Iraqi Kurd in Iran's Khuzestan

KRG starts an investigation into the killing of an Iraqi Kurd in Iran's Khuzestan

Shafaq News/ The Prime Minister of Iraq's region of Kurdistan, Masrour Barzani, has ordered an investigation into the killing of an Iraqi Kurd in the Iranian city of Ahwaz earlier this month, the secretary at the region's ministry of higher education, Dr. Abdul-Fattah Abdul-Razzaq, said in a press conference on Wednesday.

On November 3rd, unknown muggers attacked Bashar Faiq, a medical student from the Kurdistan region of Iraq, with a sharp weapon in a park near his university in Khuzestan's capital city, Ahwaz.

The 21 years old Kurd later succumbed to the wounds he sustained during the attack despite the medical staff's attempts to resuscitate him.

Abdul-Razzaq said that Prime Minister Barzani instructed the relevant authorities to facilitate the transfer of the victim's body to his hometown in Duhok and start an investigation into the incident.

The official said the ministry will demand access to the investigation updates and work to ensure justice is served.

The victim's family insists that the incident has nothing to do with the ongoing unrest in the Islamic republic since the death of young woman Mahsa Amini in the moral police's custody.

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