KRG debunks Sadrist figure accusations of facilitating the infiltration of terrorists from Turkey to Iraq

KRG debunks Sadrist figure accusations of facilitating the infiltration of terrorists from Turkey to Iraq

Shafaq News/ The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) refuted on Wednesday the statements made by a former member of the Iraqi parliament and a leader of the Sadrist movement about a "terrorist line" that extends from Turkey and through the region to Iraq.

Hakem al-Zamili had called a few days ago, "the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces to exert pressure upon Turkey and the Kurdistan region to halt the flow of terrorist operatives to Iraq," calling for "opening channels for direct cooperating and coordinating security and intelligence efforts with them."

KRG's Media and Information Department said that the cabinet expresses its concern about such statements, which are not only useless, but also a reason for undermining confidence between the Iraqi parties.

"We remind all parties that the Kurdistan Region has always been on the first front line in confronting terrorism since 2014," it said, "the Kurdistan Peshmerga forces continue to defend the homeland against terrorism. Thousands of our brave people have fallen, victim and wounded, to protect the security of Kurdistan and Iraq."

"Such statements are merely an evasion of responsibility amid the security failure in other parts of Iraq. It is better, for all parties, instead of exchanging accusations, to unite their efforts to ensure security and stability and provide a decent life for citizens."

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