KNC condemns attacking its headquarters

Shafaq News / The Kurdish National Council in Syria condemned on Monday the attacks on its headquarters in northeastern Syria.
“Recently, armed groups attacked the Kurdish National Council office in the city of Darbasiya, of the Kurdistan Democratic Party headquarters and the Kurdistan Yekiti Party office.” The General Secretariat of the Council said in a statement
"This escalation targeted Kurdish-Kurdish dialogue and aims to spread tension among our people." The statement added.
The Council condemned, "strongly these acts and their perpetrators," and lamed the "security authorities".
The Kurdish National Council (KNC) is a Syrian Kurdish political party that had initially more international support than the ruling Democratic Union Party (PYD) during the early years of the Syrian civil war.
Rivalry between two main camps, the Kurdish National Council (KNC) and another group, the Democratic Union Party (PYD) risks devolving into Kurd-on-Kurd conflict and further complicating the civil war in Syria.
Few years ago, Masoud Barzani brought the KNC and PYD together in Iraqi Kurdistan, where they formed a joint council to present a united front for Kurdish interests. But the agreement has struggled to work on the ground in Syria, where the PYD has the strongest presence.