Duhok condemns killing a young citizen by PKK

Duhok condemns killing a young citizen by PKK
2021-02-23 11:40

Shafaq News/ Duhok governorate held the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) responsible for killing the young citizen "Gutiar Mohsen Hussein" during the Turkish military operations in Karah mountain.

The governorate said in a statement today, "We condemn the kidnapping, imprisonment, and martyrdom of the citizen Gutyar Mohsen from Duhok Governorate by the PKK militants."

According to the statement, "arresting and imprisoning citizens is a prerogative of judicial institutions within the law. Such acts outside those institutions are an unlawful violation of human rights and infringement on the territory of the Kurdistan Region."

On Monday, the Kurdistan Region's Counter-Terrorism Agency reported that a young man's body was handed over to his family in the Kurdistan Region, months after he was kidnapped by the anti-Turkish Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) fighters.

PKK announced in an official statement back then that it had arrested the young Hussein on charges of espionage for Turkey.

The agency indicated that the young man's body was handed over to his family without further details.

The Kurdish workers had announced that Hussein was killed along with 13 Turkish hostages in the middle of this month during the Turkish bombing of Mount Kara in Duhok governorate.

However, Ankara accused the Kurdish workers of killing the hostages.

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