Cholera cases decline in al-Sulaymaniyah, healthcare workers' strike persists

Cholera cases decline in al-Sulaymaniyah, healthcare workers' strike persists
2023-09-26 12:42

Shafaq News / Al-Sulaymaniyah Health Directorate announced on Tuesday a decline in cholera cases after more than 150 confirmed infections. However, some healthcare workers continue their strike, affecting citizens' access to medical services.

Hersh Salim, Deputy Director General of Health, stated that "Cholera cases have decreased recently due to lower temperatures, citizens adhering to preventive measures, and the availability of safe drinking water."

He added, "So far, 150 confirmed cases have been recorded with no fatalities." However, the actual number of cases is likely higher because some individuals may be unaware of their infection and have not sought medical attention due to the healthcare worker strike.

Regarding the ongoing strike by healthcare personnel, which persisted even after the distribution of salaries for July, Salim confirmed that "Some healthcare workers continue their strike due to delayed salary payments for two months. The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is still indebted for two months' salaries."

He emphasized that "The strike by healthcare workers has significantly impacted citizens' lives and health. Even emergency departments on the city's outskirts have gone on strike, and these repercussions should be borne by the government due to its failure to fulfill employees' rights."

Salim also noted that "Striking in emergency centers is not ideal, despite the continued operation of emergency departments at Hiwa Hospital, the Burns Hospital, and the pediatric department until now."

Regarding the accountability of striking employees, Salim explained, "As of now, there has been no order to hold those who went on strike accountable. Logic dictates that if the government fails to pay their salaries, it cannot hold them accountable. However, we do not know if the Ministry of Health or the Cabinet has issued any decisions regarding this matter."

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