the Integrity Investigation Court issues arrest warrants against employees in Dhi Qar

the Integrity Investigation Court issues arrest warrants against employees in Dhi Qar

Shafaq News/ A security source in Dhi Qar reported that the Integrity Investigation Court in the governorate issued summons and arrest warrants against 21 employees in Nasiriyah Municipality and Dhi Qar Roads and Bridges Directorate.

 The source told Shafaq News Agency that arrest and investigation orders also included two engineers in the Directorate on the background of supervising the "Aisar Euphrates" road, which was implemented by the Governorate Oil Company.

The decision was issued based on the provisions of Article 340 of the amended Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969 / waste of public money, according to the source. 

 A video clip showed the poor quality of a road implemented by a specialized company in cooperation with the Dhi Qar Oil Company, as it is the financier of the project.

However, an informed source in the company told Shafaq News Agency, "The Aisar Euphrates road executed in Al-Batha district, west of Nasiriyah, caused many problems within the Dhi Qar Oil Company and led to the dismissal of many officials, as a result of their opposition to the project and the way it is implemented", pointing out, "the director of the oil company has finished the work of the technical committee, which is supervising the construction of the road."

"The committee that was dissolved by the director of the oil company is composed of engineers following up on projects financed by Dhi Qar oil company", adding, "the committee that was formed to follow up on the road project was brought in from the Dhi Qar Roads and Bridges Directorate, which breaks the law."

The source noted that the Aisar Euphrates road, known as the al-Fawaz road, is 14 km long and was implemented by a company from Diyala Governorate for 4,500,000 dollars, equivalent to seven billion Iraqi dinars, despite a local company from Dhi Qar's offer to implement the project for 3,500,000 dollars.

 For his part, the governor of Dhi Qar, Ahmed Al-Khafaji, formed a committee to investigate the implementation of the road, stressing that legal measures will be taken against the executing company and the engineer in charge if it was proved that there was a shortcoming or defect in the implementation of the project.

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