Sader to Maliki: Hit terrorism not Sunnis

Sader to Maliki: Hit terrorism not Sunnis

"to settle sectarianism accounts " with the Sunni sect .

Sader statement comes after al-Maliki waved to storm the sit -in squares in Anbar, which he described as has became a stronghold of al-Qaeda , threatening political players and parties that celebrated the killing of security chiefs and members of the army and police to follow them legally.

Sadr said in a statement reported for “Shafaq News”, that “he heard al-Maliki threat to storm the Western protests," warning that “this should not be a prelude to settle sectarian accounts with Sunnis, but must target terrorism."

He added that “this should not be a reason to delay the upcoming legislative elections or things would go towards dire consequences.”

Sadr urged al-Maliki to consult with partners in the political process.

Political parties and tribal leaders accused the sit-in squares of including al-Qaeda that were planning to target the security forces.

The head of Anbar Salvation Council, Hamid al-Hayes said on Sunday , in a statement for " Shafaq News", that “ the demonstrators' tents in the province is under guns , adding that he was waiting for the application of tripartite agreement to end the presence of tents.

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