Head of Maliki's coalition in Nineveh demands to save Shabaks in Mosul

Head of Maliki's coalition in Nineveh demands to save Shabaks in Mosul

, calling to start procedures within the residential neighborhood of Mosul to save al- Shabak people.

Two people of Shabak were killed yesterday by unidentified gunmen who opened fire from silencer weapons in Karaj area north of Mosul.

Qadu said in an interview with " Shafaq News " , that " terrorist operations wants to displace and kill Shabak and are carried out under the eyes of the authorities and the local government , which is committed to silence about these crimes ," adding , that this situation raises a lot of questions among Shabak citizens about the role of local government in providing security and protection of the people of Mosul city.

Qadu who is secretary general of Shabak gathering called the security forces to carry out operations to end the presence of terrorism in Karaj area to save this component of genocide .

Karaj area north of Mosul has witnessed targeting operations many   against Shabak component which is considered one of the most neighborhoods of Shabak .

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