Dulaimi warns of worst option in Fallujah : Biden’s project began

Dulaimi warns of worst option in Fallujah : Biden’s project began
, if the government decided to storm the city militarily.

Dulaimi told “Shafaq News", that “wisdom and rationality are lost and we’re going from bad option the worst option and from the difficult choice to hardest choice."

"Unfortunately, the features of Biden’s project began to appear again and the war began to knock the doors after politicians lost ties among them and this will make us go to our difficult choice ,” he added.

The U.S. Vice President, Joseph Biden has adopted a project to end the crisis in Iraq by dividing it into three separate parts , Sunni region, Shiites region and Kurdistan Region .

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki revealed that it is close to resolve the security problem in Fallujah city, which is under the control of Daash elements since about three months.

Maliki 's statement came on the background of " Daash " elements plan that cut Fallujah’s dam water that feeds south cities of Baghdad and the Euphrates areas.

Iraqi army imposed a tight security cordon on Fallujah city in order to prevent the entry and exit of militants , while the clashes with insurgents and troops still continue on the outskirts of the city.

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