Disagreements between Hardan and Abu Risha on Awakening leadership

Disagreements between Hardan and Abu Risha on Awakening leadership

and leader of the Iraqi Awakening , Ahmed Abu Risha have evolved to the extent of the impact on the mechanism of action of the Awakening in facing " Daashorganization."

An informed source has revealed early last month that a big disagreement took place between the new awakening led by Wesam al-Hardan and leader of the Iraq conference , Ahmed Abu Risha causing stop fighting " Daashin northern district in Ramadi”.

"The Awakening forces in Anbar province suffer from a very big problem regarding the multiplicity of bodies that are linked to it represented by the Office of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces , the Chancellery of national reconciliation , the Chancellery of national security , command of ground forces , commanders of military units , along with the local administration in the province ,” The source, who asked anonymity told “Shafaq News “.

" Ahmed Abu Risha and for what he enjoys of a position in the government and direct contacts with Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki after the security events of Anbar is trying to make Iraqi Awakening Council Chairman , Wesam al- Hardan leave the Presidency of the Council and re- lead it again by government support ."

The source added that " differences between Abu Risha and Hardan have affected heavily on the performance of the Awakening elements in securityterms."

Force of the Iraqi army is preparing to enter Fallujah city, which is subjected under complete control of the armed elements of " Daash ."

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