Barzani to meet with MPs in Baghdad next Saturday

Barzani to meet with MPs in Baghdad next Saturday

resort in Erbil scheduled to discuss the latest developments in the current crisis between Erbil and Baghdad.

MP of the Bloc ,Hamid Baffy confirmed in an interview with " Shafaq News " , the importance of the upcoming meeting with Barzani , explaining that he had been notified MPs to meet next Saturday to discuss the current situation , the crisis experienced by the country and the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil .

He said the Kurdish blocs will be heading in the same day to Baghdad to attend a meeting of the Iraqi parliament on Sunday, which is expected to be allocated to read the budget bill for the current year of 2014.

He added that this meeting is important to take a stand regarding the problems with Baghdad .

It is scheduled for the Iraqi parliament to include the budget bill for the current year on the agenda for next Sunday , despite the failure of the blocs affiliated to it especially the Kurdish coalition blocs and state of law coalition to reach an agreement that satisfies all parties, because of the insistence of the two sides on the inclusion of paragraphs concerning the issue of export of oil from Kurdistan Region.

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