Baath: Saudi regime attract tribes of western Iraq to declare the Islamic Emirate

Baath: Saudi regime attract tribes of western Iraq to declare the Islamic Emirate


The Baath newspaper said in today's issue , seen by " Shafaq News " , that " after it has been shown to Al-Saud rulers that there is no popular support for incitements organizations affiliated to them on different names in eastern Syria and western Iraq , they deliberated to try to co-opt the Arab tribes in these two countries , sometimes by force and intimidation . "

"The first of these attempts have appeared when the king of Al -Saud called leaders and sheikhs of the tribes in Iraq to visit him , so he was faced by absolute rejection from the tribal leaders there , and have openly declared that they will not be a tool in his hand to tear Iraq and entered in the midst of a civil war that they knew it more than others." .

“This matter intersects with what was announced by the terrorist organizations of the intention to create a so-called " Islamic Emirate " that extends from Anbar to the north of Syria ( Aleppo ) ," wondering , "Why choose this particular geography and not others ? " .

The newspaper quoted what it called Iraqi tribes sources that "the Saudi intelligence worked through the operations room in the Saudi embassy in Baghdad several years ago to connect tribes and Iraqi tribal leaders in Anbar, Salahuddin and Nineveh in order to obtain support from these leaders to the idea of ​​establishing an Islamic emirate in the west of Iraq , under the pressure of inciting sectarian and religious authorities practiced by Al -Saud since the U.S. occupation of Iraq so far through dozens of satellite channels that have been opened for this purpose . "

“There are special department in Saudi Interior Ministry that handles the contact affairs of tribal leaders inside and outside the Kingdom , as there are complete files on these sheikhs and their whereabouts , and the nature of their influence in the countries in which they live , especially Syria and Iraq , as they work through this administration to connect with these sheikhs and attempt to co-opt them through enticement sometimes and intimidation at other times ,” the Newspaper added.

The newspaper went on to say that " they have granted Saudi citizenship to more elders who accepted it and worked to blackmail both refused them to obey their will through pitting other tribes on them and accusing them of collaboration with the parties that they oppose them , One of the people who have accepted this citizenship is Ahmad Jarba , the representative Al-Saud, "according to the newspaper.

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