The Sadrist bloc is the closest political party to the KDP, official says

The Sadrist bloc is the closest political party to the KDP, official says

Shafaq News / The Kurdistan Democratic Party confirmed that it has special relations with the Sadrist bloc, despite the absence of any official agreement between the two parties.

 The party's spokesman, Mahmoud Muhammad, said in a press conference after the meeting of the Kurdish forces in al-Sulaymaniyah, that the visit of the Kurdistan Democratic Party's visit to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan is friendly, and included discussions about the Kurdish parties' plans on the formation of a united Kurdish bloc.

"The Democratic Party decided to visit all the Kurdish parties, even those that did not get a seat," he said, noting, "the meeting did not discuss naming the party that will nominate the president of the republic."

Muhammad stressed the need to review the issue with Baghdad to determine the Kurds' share of national positions, and then discussions will take place between the Kurdish forces to determine each party's share."

 The KDP spokesman pointed, "KDP will be close to the party that guarantees the rights of the Kurdish people," pointing, "the party has good relations with all other parties, but it is most close to the Sadrist bloc, despite the absence of any official agreement between the two parties."

For his part, the spokesman for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Amin Baba Sheikh, said that the party has a negotiating delegation in Baghdad, noting, "We hope, after approving the results, to go to Baghdad with a delegation representing all Kurdish parties."

 Baba Sheikh added during a press conference that today's meeting did not witness any talks regarding any position. Rather, it was focused on Kurdish entitlements in general.

 A high-ranking delegation from the Kurdistan Democratic Party arrived, earlier today, to al-Sulaymaniyah to discuss the post-legislative elections steps with the Iraqi political forces. 

 Upon its arrival in Sulaymaniyah, the delegation met with the head of the National Union Party, Bafel Talabani. It is also scheduled to meet the members of the Gorran movement later today. 

 The KDP came first at the level of the Kurdistan Region in the Iraqi election results, with 33 seats, followed by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan that won 16 seats.

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