Source: Turkmen Front boycotts disrupt Nineveh Provincial Council sessions

Source: Turkmen Front boycotts disrupt Nineveh Provincial Council sessions

Shafaq News/ The Turkmen Front has suspended its participation in the Nineveh Provincial Council sessions in protest against what it perceives as marginalization in Kirkuk, disrupting council proceedings, a source in Nineveh said on Wednesday.

The boycott, led by the Turkmen Front, comes amid frustration over its exclusion from the formation of the local government in Kirkuk and its marginalization in the distribution of positions within Nineveh, the source explained to Shafaq News Agency.

"The Turkmen Front, which holds a single seat in the council, played a pivotal role in breaking the quorum during the last two sessions."

The Nineveh Provincial Council, particularly the Future Nineveh Alliance, which holds 16 out of 29 seats, has been unable to reach a quorum due to this boycott, along with the ongoing boycott by the Unified Nineveh Alliance (Muttahidoun) and the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which collectively control 13 seats.

A member of the Badr Organization from Tal Afar also contributed to the quorum break in the most recent session.

The source indicated that a meeting between Nineveh's political leaders and the Coordination Framework's leaders is expected to take place in Baghdad. However, it has been delayed due to the Arbaeen pilgrimage.

The Nineveh Provincial Council has been grappling with a nearly two-month boycott by the Unified Nineveh and Kurdistan Democratic Party blocs following a controversial vote to appoint and replace administrative officials, a move that boycotting members have condemned as unilateral.

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