PKK candidates are running for the upcoming elections, Peshmerga commander reveals

PKK candidates are running for the upcoming elections, Peshmerga commander reveals

Shafaq News/ A commander of the Peshmerga forces in Sinjar district revealed that the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) has candidates running for the upcoming elections.

 A member of the Sinjar command, Qassem Darbo, told Shafaq News Agency, "The situation in Sinjar has not changed due to the failure to implement the Baghdad-Erbil agreement."

"The PKK forces have military points in three to four areas inside Sinjar."

 He added, "There are two candidates in the upcoming Iraqi elections who belong to the PKK and are competing for Yazidis' quota in the Sinjar."

 Darbo affirmed, "holding the elections in Sinjar amid the current circumstances will be difficult", expecting "fraudulent operations of the election results if they take place in Sinjar."

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