Nineveh sues government entitiy over destruction of ancient wall

Nineveh sues government entitiy over destruction of ancient wall
2024-09-09 12:23

Shafaq News/ On Monday, the Nineveh Heritage and Antiquities Inspectorate announced it has filed a lawsuit against the Nineveh Sewerage Directorate for demolishing parts of the ancient Nineveh Wall during a public works project.

Ruayd Al-Laila, the Inspectorate Director, told Shafaq News Agency that the complaint was submitted to the Nineveh Appeals Court against the entity responsible for the destruction near the Bash Tapia Fortress, explaining that “the issue is now in the hands of the Iraqi judiciary to hold the responsible party accountable.”

The damage to the wall occurred during the installation of a sewer pipeline as part of the project for the right bank of Mosul. This destruction has sparked widespread outrage among Mosul's residents.

The ancient Wall of Nineveh, dating back to the Assyrian era and located on the left side of Mosul, was partially destroyed by ISIS during their occupation of the governorate.

In 2015, ISIS released photos showing the destruction of Al-Masqa Gate, also known as the "Mashki" Gate, part of the ancient Nineveh Wall.

Built around 700 BC by King Sennacherib, the 12-kilometer Nineveh Wall, with its 15 gates and carvings of kings and gods, is a symbol of Assyrian civilization and a major tourist attraction in Mosul, drawing researchers and visitors from around the world.

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