Nineveh's rights "Sacrificed" in Kirkuk deal, Al-Nujaifi warns of backroom betrayal

Nineveh's rights "Sacrificed" in Kirkuk deal, Al-Nujaifi warns of backroom betrayal

Shafaq News/ On Saturday, Abdullah al-Nujaifi, a member of the Nineveh Provincial Council, claimed that recent political maneuvers in Kirkuk, aimed at forming the local government, were made at the expense of Nineveh. He criticized the political bargaining by various factions, saying it has undermined the rights of Nineveh.

Al-Nujaifi's remarks came in response to a statement by Khalid al-Mafraji, a leader in the Sovereignty Alliance (Al-Siyada), who revealed in a TV interview that "the Sovereignty Alliance has agreed with the Babylon Bloc, led by Rayan al-Kildani, to allocate governmental positions and shares in Kirkuk to the Sovereignty Alliance, leaving Nineveh's positions aside."

Speaking to Shafaq News Agency, al-Nujaifi said, "What happened in Kirkuk confirms that political deals are being made at the expense of Nineveh and its people. This is something we cannot accept."

He further lamented, "It is unfortunate to witness agreements being struck at the cost of Nineveh, which has suffered from wars and destruction without receiving any solace or support in its time of need."

Al-Nujaifi stressed that "the exclusion and marginalization of Nineveh are due to agreements made by political forces without consulting its people or legitimate leadership," warning that "this agreement will have negative consequences, and what was done behind the scenes will eventually come to light."

He emphasized that he and other representatives of Nineveh "will not stand idly by in the face of this deliberate marginalization," asserting that "Nineveh needs leaders from within its ranks so that its fate is not left in the hands of those who would exploit it and lead it to ruin."

"The recent statements by the Sovereignty leader do not represent the Alliance, which has a significant presence and important alliances within the Unified Nineveh Bloc in the Nineveh Provincial Council," Al-Nujaifi concluded.

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