Message behind attacking the international coalition

Message behind attacking the international coalition

Shafaq News / A member of the Security and Defense Committee in the Iraqi Parliament, Kata’a al-Rikabi, commented today, Tuesday, on targeting the convoys of the International Coalition in the cities of southern Iraq and northern Baghdad.

Al-Rikabi said, to Shafaq News agency, "The continued targeting of the coalition, in various Iraqi cities, give political and security messages."


He added that “the security forces don’t have a total control on the highways, and that is why we always call on the security and military leaders to intensify efforts to prevent any attack operations.”


The committee member declared, "These operations do not affect Iraq's relationship with the international coalition or the international community.”

At least two explosions have hit convoys supplying U.S.-led coalition forces in Iraq in the last 24 hours.

The explosion on Monday night near the Jraischan border crossing between Iraq and Kuwait struck convoy carrying equipment for U.S. forces.

While Tuesday’s explosions near the Taji military base north of Baghdad caused a fire to a container on one vehicle.

The first attack took place on July 11th, and it was the most violent, as unidentified gunmen set fire to 3 trucks carrying logistical equipment and military vehicles for the US forces and the international coalition in Al-Diwaniyah Governorate.


So far, , no one has claimed responsibility for the attacks, and the authorities have not arrested anyone.


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