Iraq to use drones to protect transmission lines

Iraq to use drones to protect transmission lines

Shafaq News/ Iraqi Ministry of Interior revealed on Tuesday, that drones may be used to protect transmission lines.

The Ministry's spokesperson, Maj. Gen. Khaled Al-Muhanna, said, according to the official Iraqi News Agency, that "the Police Directorate seeks to use drones to protect transmission lines," noting that " negotiation are running with Chinese companies in this regard.”

The spokesperson confirmed that Iraq have international support in this field.

The power transmission towers extending from Iran to Diyala then Baghdad are attacked frequently with explosive devices, amid popular and official demands to form forces to protect the energy towers.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Electricity, Ahmed Moussa, confirmed today, Tuesday, that the ministry has taken a number of measures, including official demands to the Ministries of Defense and Interior to form forces to protect the power transmission towers.

He added, "The ministry met with clan leaders where the towers are located, in addition to the departments affiliated with the governorates, districts, and sub-districts, to urge them to protect the electricity transmission lines and infrastructure."

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