Demonstrators attempt to burst into the Green Zone 

Demonstrators attempt to burst into the Green Zone 

Shafaq News/ Hundreds of demonstrators protesting the results of the October 10 election attempted to burst into a gate of the heavily fortified Green Zone, a source revealed on Friday.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that the security forces ramped up reinforcements at the gate located near the Ministry of Planning and closed it as a precautionary measure.

The demonstrators later set the sit-in tents near the gate, according to the source. 

One protester was killed and scores of people, mostly members of Iraqi security forces, were injured last week when scuffles between supporters of pro-Iran Shiite militias who had camped outside Baghdad’s Green Zone and anti-riot police turned deadly, officials aid.

The protesters reject the results of last month parliamentary elections that saw the pro-Iran militias as the biggest losers.

The health ministry said the injuries in early Friday’s scuffles were mostly from smoke inhalation and rock throwing. Most of the injured were members of the riot police.

It was not clear what sparked the clashes later Friday.

There were reports of an exchange of fire erupted after dark Friday following a day of tense rallies and scuffles between the Iraqi forces and the protesters who have been camped out outside the Green Zone for over three weeks.

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