Coordination Framework: Al-Issawi is the next Iraqi parliament speaker

Coordination Framework: Al-Issawi is the next Iraqi parliament speaker
2024-05-04 11:07

Shafaq News/ On Saturday, the Shiite Coordination Framework (CF) commented on statements by the head of the "Taqadum" Party, Mohammed al-Halboosi, in which he announced the imminent amendment of the Iraqi Parliament's internal system and the selection of a new president.

CF Member MP Salem Al-Anbaki told Shafaq News Agency that "the Framework's forces have rejected and continue to reject the amendment of the Parliament's internal system to reopen nominations for the presidency of the Parliament," considering that "contradicts the decisions of the Federal Court, and there is no justification for such a step, and such decisions cannot be made for the personal interests of some parties."

Al-Anbaki pointed out that two candidates are now nominated for Parliament Speaker from the Sunni component, Salem Al-Issawi, and Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani, and "we believe that the matter is almost settled in favor of Al-Issawi that will be elected in the next session of Parliament since there is a parliamentary support for him from all blocs and parties."

Yesterday, the former Iraqi Parliament Speaker and the Taqadum party head, Mohammad al-Halboosi, reiterated his opposition to appointing a new speaker outside his party on Friday.

Al-Halboosi told the reporters on the sidelines of the ceremony marking the anniversary of the founding of the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq movement in Baghdad, "We anticipate reaching a consensus on a candidate for parliament speaker and will be updating the internal regulations soon."

Asked about selecting a candidate for the position from outside Taqadum, al-Halboosi pointed out that his party holds a majority in parliament (42 seats) and has "both political and electoral claims to the position."

Since the prominent Sunni politician's ouster from the legislature in Nov. 2023, his first deputy, Mohsen al-Mandalawi—a member of the Shiite Coordination Framework—has assumed his duties.

Notably, the Federal Supreme Court ruled to end Halboosi's speakership following a complaint lodged by a former member of his own bloc over alleged forgery.

Under the ethno-sectarian apportionment system put in place following the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq—known as Muhasasa Ta'ifia in Arabic—the parliament speaker is customarily a Sunni politician.

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