Contradictory information about the arrest of the PMF leader

Contradictory information about the arrest of the PMF leader

Shafaq News / The leader of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq Movement, Qais Khazali announced on Saturday the end of the differences with the federal government.

Khazali said in a tweet today, “arresting a member of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) by the security forces will be solved with reason and wisdom."

"We renew our commitment to the state and its institutions, and we also affirm our right to resist till the end of American military forces presence in Iraq without targeting diplomatic missions." he added

Later, a leaked document from the Ministry of Interior's intelligence service revealed that the leader of Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq Movement had been handed over to the Popular Mobilization Security Directorate, in an attempt to calm tension over his arrest.

According to the document received by Shafaq News Agency, the intelligence indicated that Asa'ib supporters withdrew after intensive deployment in the Al-Arsat and Palestine Street areas following the arrest of the leader on charges of terrorism.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi Ministry of Interior denied this saying and that the leaked document is "fake."

The Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, warned from any adventure, confirming his government readiness for a full-scale confrontation.

For his part, the leader of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Jawad al-Talibawi tweeted that "any second attempt to offend PMF and the “resistance” factions will be considered an American attempt.”

He added, "We will act wisely as long as it is possible, otherwise we will confront."

For his part, a member of the political office of Asa'ib Mahmud al-Rubaie denounced the intensive deployment of Asa'ib, saying that "there is no military deployment in Baghdad and what are published may be either old videos or people we do not know."

He added, "We respect the implementation of the law transparently."

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