Compulsory military service law will receive broad support-MP

Compulsory military service law will receive broad support-MP
2022-02-25 09:55

Shafaq News / MP Nayef al-Shamri said today that approving compulsory military service is a must to prepare the new generations and protect the Iraqi social fabric.

Al-Shamri told Shafaq News agency' "we are determined to approve the compulsory military service during this Parliamentary session", adding that there was a huge objection to approving the law in the past. However, the security and defense committee worked on it hard during the last Parliamentary session, organized and amended its articles, and will submit it to the Parliament Presidium to put it for vote.

He expected the law to receive broad support for the law in the Parliament.

Since 2003, Iraq stopped implementing the compulsory military service law, and relied on the volunteers in its security forces.

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