Baghdad must benefit from rivers to overcome the drought crisis, MP says

Baghdad must benefit from rivers to overcome the drought crisis, MP says
2022-05-06 11:38

Shafaq News / MP Ahmed al-Jubouri said today that the government must benefit from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to overcome the drought crisis.

Al-Jubouri said that more irrigation projects -similar to al-Jazeera southern irrigation project- should be implemented, to enhance the economic situation and address the water shortage crisis.

Nineveh's representative stressed the need to adopt a plan to refine river water instead of wasting it.

Iraq is one of the five most affected countries by climate change. Official statistics show that 39% of Iraq's lands suffer from desertification.

In addition, the high levels of soil salinity threaten the agricultural sector in 54% of lands, bearing in mind that precipitation levels in 2020-2021 were the lowest in the past 40 years.

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