Al-Kadhimi to Nineveh's MPs: legislative and executive authorities' cooperation is a must

Al-Kadhimi to Nineveh's MPs: legislative and executive authorities' cooperation is a must

Shafaq News/ Iraq's caretaker Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi convened with representatives of Nineveh in the Iraqi parliament, a press release by his media office said on Saturday.

Earlier this morning, al-Kadhimi arrived in Mosul, Nineveh's capital city, on an "inspection visit" marking the first day of Eid al-Adha, a press release by his media office said.

The visit also coincides with the fifth anniversary of liberating the ancient pluralistic city from ISIS control and the full of the self-styled caliphate in Iraq and Syria.

Al-Kadhimi discussed with the lawmakers the needs of the governorate, highlighting the cooperation prospects between the legislative and executive authorities and its role in improving the government department's performance and meeting the aspirations of citizens.

"I am happy today to be with you here in Mosul the dear city that resides in the hearts of all Iraqis, the city whose cultural and social richness we are proud of," he said, "there are great opportunities for this governorate, and we must all work on them."

"Cooperation between the executive and legislative authorities is very important. You must work as a team to serve your governorate and country," he said.

"Many obstacles and problems can be solved via cooperation and coordination in order to facilitate procedures and speed up work mechanisms," the Prime Minister continued.

"The country is witnessing an exceptional political situation, but this should not prevent us from working in service of our people with full force and without any hesitation."

"Although I call on the political powers to shoulder their national responsibility in resolving the political crisis, I assert that this government is moving forward strongly with its duty, and it will not delay providing services to our people."

"We will inaugurate several projects. We will lay the foundation stone for other projects in the governate in the context of the Mosul Reconstruction Plan, which we set about a year ago."

"We inaugurated Maysan Combined Power Plant, a week ago, and there are other projects in various governorates that are being actively worked on, and they will be opened soon," he said.

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