Al-Fatah on the U.S. Attack on the PMF: halt the Strategic Dialogue

Al-Fatah on the U.S. Attack on the PMF: halt the Strategic Dialogue
2021-06-28 10:01

Shafaq News/ Al-Fatah Alliance condemned the U.S. bombardment of a force of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces-PMF) near the Iraqi-Syrian borders, deeming the attack proof for the U.S. pervasiveness against the Iraqi people.

A statement of the political bloc issued today, Monday, mourned the fighters who perished in the airstrike, "by the coward operation, the U.S. demonstrates, once again, its belligerence to the Iraqi people and the PMF."

"The bombing is evidence for the U.S. disappointment from the successful parade of the PMF that was held in the presence of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces recently."

"The incident clearly substantiates the absurdity of the U.S. troops' presence and its threat to the security and stability of Iraq. They want Iraq to remain turbulent and an arena for conflicts," he added, "the government must abide by the government approach voted upon in the Parliament as a condition of granting it trust. Foreign forces, especially the U.S., shall be expelled immediately and without procrastination."

"A year passed since establishing this cabinet, and it is still have gone nowhere on this issue," he continued, "continuing [the Strategic Dialogue] talks without an outcome is absurd. We deem it procrastination and time-wasting."

The Alliance demanded the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces to instruct an investigation into this attack. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs must condemn it as well."

A source told Shafaq News Agency that U.S. Airforces targeted forces affiliated with Kata'ib Sayyid al-Shuhadaa, an Iran-backed faction, under the PMF umbrella. The attack resulted in killing four and injuring scores of PMF fighters.

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